Stay cool this summer with light and healthy food

Stay cool this summer with light and healthy food

With summers in full swing and the mercury heading north, doctors advise that apart from drinking lots of water, a special summer diet consisting of light and healthy food would ensure a cool mind and body.
Ritika Samadar, chief dietician at Max Hospital, said fluids with electrolytes like coconut water and lemonade should be consumed and oily foods have to be avoided.
"In summer, light food should be preferred which can be digested easily. So, oily and junk food like pizzas, burgers must be avoided," Samadar said.
Vijai K.S. Shukla, chairperson, Omega 3 Council of India, says that vegetables with high water content like onions, tomatoes and cucumbers should be regularly eaten as they will not only cool down the body but provide the daily quota of nutrition as well.
"For the meat lovers, there is a delicious alternative to fried chicken and red meat -- roasted or grilled fish which have high amounts of fatty acids helping in regulating blood pressure, immune responses and liver function," said Shukla.
Omega 3 Council of India is a non-profit trade and marketing association promoting intake of Omega 3 fatty acids for better all round health.
Some of the most beneficial food items during summer, according to doctors, are:

Gooseberry (Amla)
A great refresher and reverses the ageing effects caused by strong sun rays while providing extra stamina for gym sessions. It specially benefits heart and hair.

A cup of cardamom tea can do wonders for those who have been in the hot sun for long because of its detoxifying properties.

They can be of great help for people who develop acne in summers as they provide the body with iron, vitamin C, potassium and fibre. They can be a great pre- or post-workout snack.

A good source of pantothenic acid, which provides vitamin B to lower stress levels, corn in any form whether it is roasted or boiled is a healthy snack as it lowers cholesterol levels.

Unripe mangoes can be steamed, pealed and mixed with cumin seeds and salt to make an effective remedy for heat strokes and exhaustion in summers

Butter milk
A glass everyday to avoid dehydration and indigestion. 

Curd and Yoghurt
They are a great and healthy alternative to ice-cream as they are packed with nutrients, vitamins and calcium which help to soothe ulcers, allergies and heat boils during the season.

Fresh fruit juices, including lemonade, help replenish the body of its lost fluids

The health benefits of yoga

Heart health

An Essential Guide to Hair Transplants

Hair loss is a man’s worst nightmare, especially when it comes early. 
Even the sight of a tiny but naturally occurring bald spot can send a guy into a tizzy. All hope is not lost however as hair loss can be treated effectively. Hair transplants are becoming increasingly popular and the results, surprisingly, look very promising. Here is all you need to know about getting the right hair loss treatment that will put that smile back on your face.

Getting the facts right
First of all, you need to know why you are losing hair. And, no, it is not because of stress, wearing a helmet or the long ponytails that you used to have. Hair loss is caused mainly because of a genetic disposition. In other words, your hair follicles were programmed to become sensitive to hormonal changes in your body. As you grow older, hormonal activity in your scalp causes your body to reject the existing hair follicles, resulting in hair loss.

How is a hair transplant done?
The most preferred method is called third generation Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). Here, the hair from the back or side of the head is surgically removed and transplanted into the areas where the balding is prominent. Sometimes, a surgeon may also use ‘donor hair’ from the chest if needed. The process is done under anaesthesia to cope with the mild pain that may occur. Again, every man’s threshold for pain varies. So don’t take another man’s word for it; chances are, he’s trying to be all macho when he says “it didn’t hurt a bit”.

When to consider a hair transplant
Although it sounds like a rather simple process there is a lot to take into account before deciding on a hair transplant. First of all, you need to know the extent to which a hair transplant will fix the issue. The degree and type of balding determines the plausibility of a transplant. Your consulting doctor will give you more in depth information about this. This procedure is recommended for men with selective balding and not those whose balding is in an advanced stage. The quality of the donor hair also plays a big role in the outcome. The thicker or curlier the hair, better the results, and vice versa. The last factor is age. Obviously, the younger you are, the better.

Post treatment facts
After the procedure is complete, results are almost immediate, especially if there is a drastic change in your appearance. Subtlety is not a hair transplants best friend. Most men are overjoyed with seeing the bald patches disappear and cannot wait to flaunt their new mane to the world. However, just like any other surgical procedure, there is a fair amount of healing that needs to happen. Every doctor has their own prescription of ointments and medicines you need to apply. You may also experience mild swelling but it will soon go away.

Side effects?
Although the procedure is fairly safe and results are positive, just like any other surgical procedure, side effects can occur. A good doctor will explain all the risks and chances of these side effects. The most common ones are slow growth or hair post-surgery, a mild infection in the scalp and inevitable scarring in the donor region caused due to the surgical incision.
All in all, a hair transplant is a recommend procedure if the option is made available to you. The cost of the procedure varies and depends on where you get it done. Results however have been proven to be effective and long lasting, certainly worth the effort.

Energy drinks can cause irreversible damage to teeth

Washington, May 2 (ANI): Consumption of sports and energy drinks, which is increasing especially among adolescents, is causing irreversible damage to teeth-specifically, the high acidity levels in the drinks erode tooth enamel, the glossy outer layer of the tooth- say researchers including one of an Indian origin.
And energy drinks are twice as likely to destroy enamel than sports drinks.

"Young adults consume these drinks assuming that they will improve their sports performance and energy levels and that they are 'better' for them than soda," said Poonam Jain, BDS, MS, MPH, lead author of the study.

"Most of these patients are shocked to learn that these drinks are essentially bathing their teeth with acid," she noted.
Researchers examined the acidity levels in 13 sports drinks and nine energy drinks. They found that the acidity levels could vary between brands of beverages and flavours of the same brand.
To test the effect of the acidity levels, the researchers immersed samples of human tooth enamel in each beverage for 15 minutes, followed by immersion in artificial saliva for two hours. This cycle was repeated four times a day for five days, and the samples were stored in fresh artificial saliva at all other times.

"This type of testing simulates the same exposure that a large proportion of American teens and young adults are subjecting their teeth to on a regular basis when they drink one of these beverages every few hours," said Dr. Jain.

The researchers found that damage to enamel was evident after only five days of exposure to sports or energy drinks, although energy drinks showed a significantly greater potential to damage teeth than sports drinks. In fact, the researchers found that energy drinks caused twice as much damage to teeth as sports drinks.
Damage caused to tooth enamel is irreversible, and without the protection of enamel, teeth become overly sensitive, prone to cavities, and more likely to decay.

"Teens regularly come into my office with these types of symptoms, but they don't know why," says AGD spokesperson Jennifer Bone, DDS, MAGD. "We review their diet and snacking habits and then we discuss their consumption of these beverages. They don't realize that something as seemingly harmless as a sports or energy drink can do a lot of damage to their teeth."
Dr. Bone recommends that her patients minimize their intake of sports and energy drinks. She also advises them to chew sugar-free gum or rinse the mouth with water following consumption of the drinks.
"Both tactics increase saliva flow, which naturally helps to return the acidity levels in the mouth to normal," she stated.
Also, patients should wait at least an hour to brush their teeth after consuming sports and energy drinks. Otherwise, said Dr. Bone, they will be spreading acid onto the tooth surfaces, increasing the erosive action.

The study was published in the May/June 2012 issue of General Dentistry, the peer-reviewed clinical journal of the Academy of General Dentistry. 

Au natural beauty tips

Céline Naissant has written a book called Mes secrets de beauté au naturel, which means My natural beauty secrets, and contains product recipes which use the basics everyone has at home. "You need to know the benefits of the food you have in your kitchen. You need to know what you eat because what you eat will give you good or bad skin," she explained.

Don't have the extra cash or time to spend on skin care? Fret not! Your kitchen is loaded with natural secrets for flawless skin.

Dry skin
"To nourish dry skin, you can simply use the olive oil you have in your kitchen, the same one used to prepare vinaigrette. Olive oil is really good, it will reinforce and nourish the skin and it helps regenerate and protect too. This is an oil you can use from head to toe. You just have to apply it on your body. In Morocco, women use Argan oil because it protects the skin from all weather conditions. It's a country where it is very hot during the day but quite cold at night. This oil is going to soften your skin, in the same way that olive oil will."

Oily skin 
"Sometimes, you buy more food than you need but don't throw things out straight away, you can use some food to create beauty products. If you have an avocado which is a little bit too ripe, transform it into a mask. To nourish your skin, just crush the avocado and put it on your face. During summer, when the sun is really hot, I mix an avocado with egg yolk for a face mask because it gives more protection.

"If you have blackheads on your nose, use the skin of a banana. Rub it on your nose and it will make the blackheads pop out more easily. You just have to pick them afterwards, which will stop you getting a red nose and a scar!

The little tip for every skin type
"Everyone says that Chinese girls have beautiful skin, which is true. They've got a secret which I also practice. I use an egg white as a facial - I spread it on my face. Then I let it dry until it looks like clear plastic. I take it off with tepid water. It tightens the pores and gives a rejuvenating effect."

"Rice flour is another great natural beauty secret when you have oily skin. Everyone knows about rice papers, but they are quite expansive. If you have rice flour in your kitchen, you can make a mask with it. Mix the flour with yoghurt - one which isn't too fatty - just to add a moisturising element. You can mix rice flour with a mashed up strawberry too, which helps exfoliate skin. And of course, you can add some clay to the mask, which is the perfect product for oily skin."


How to Dye Your Hair Safely

There's a bit more to dyeing hair than simply coating your entire head with store-bought hair dye and drying it.

For a safe and professional-looking dye job, follow these tips.

Follow Instructions
Follow the specified instruction preparing color mix and stick to the prescribed time on how long you should leave the color in.

Hair Care Before Dyeing
A month before dyeing hair, deep condition it. Dry hair doesn't color well. Before applying hair color, make sure your hair is clean. While you should shampoo to remove any dirt, oil or debris, don't condition it just hours before applying hair dye. Also remove tangles.

If you have split ends, trim them, or this will create messy, uneven hair coloring.

Wear the gloves that come with your box of dye preparation. If there are no gloves, its a sign that the hair product isn't worth the purchase. Protect skin along the hair line from getting colored by coating it with a thick cream (Nivea, mentioned in picture)

Do the spot test for allergies - apply a tiny bit of dye on your wrist, or near your neck to see if you have an allergic reaction (irritation, redness, inflammation, allergy, hair loss) Do this two days before applying dye.

And to ensure if you've got the right color, try the color out on a few strands.

For your clothes, you want to wear a towel around your neck. Color may dribble under a T shirt and irritate your skin. Avoid staining your neck and ears by coating liberally with petroleum jelly or cream. Any accidental stains can be wiped off with rubbing alcohol.

Divide, Conquer and Color
For men with long hair, get hair clips. Separate your hair into quadrants (four parts), color each section individually using a small amount of color preparation and thin stripes of color over the entire area. Now clip the colored the colored part.

Go through the other sections, and repeat once more with left over color mix.

Hair Care After Dyeing
Wash with cold or tepid water to avoid hair fall.

Don't color your eyebrows to match - that's stupid! And instead of over-dyeing hair, use a few touch ups once every few weeks instead.


Herbal Treatment for Hair loss

Come on, let’s face it; not everybody can pull off a Vin Diesel

…. So if your hair needs rescuing, some conventional, inexpensive yet effective herbal hair care solutions can do wonders for your falling follicles.

The Advantage of using Herbal medicines

Conventional drugs have admittedly helped people a lot to overcome hair problems but one major disadvantage that comes along with using these drugs is are their potential side effects However, herbal concoctions recommended by Ayurveda have helped many people get back the old vitality and shine in their hair, minus the unsavory side effects.

Let us take a look at some of them.

- Green Tea
Green tea or Camilla Sinesis is preferred by herbalists the world over. It boasts an incredible success account provided you drink it plenty and on a daily basis. The catechins found in green tea are said to inhibit the enzyme 5 alpha reductase thus prolonging hair growth. In absence of these catechins, 5 alpha combines with testosterone to produce DHT that attaches itself to hair follicles and shrinks their size.

- Amla and Shikakai
Amla and shikakai are available in all Indian stores and are ultra-effective in maintaining healthy hair. Amla especially is renowned for its healing effect on the hair (it nourishes dry scalp and hair and makes it manageable) and nowadays used in spas. Make a paste by adding 2 tbsp. of ground amla and shikakai and stir it with 4 tbsp. of water at room temperature. If you have split ends, this is the remedy you seek. Watch this video that shows a simple hair cleanser made of amla and skikakai.

- Henna
Ground about a dozen leaves of the henna plant and massage the paste slowly around your scalp. Make sure that it touches the roots of the hairs. A good way of applying the paste would be to massage gently in circular motions allowing the paste to work its way into the scalp. Let it stay that way for about an hour before washing off with a natural shampoo. Make sure you follow the process at least twice a week.

- Coriander
Herbalists say that Coriander helps retain hair. Crush a bunch of coriander leaves and grind it into a fine paste. Apply it the same way as above and leave it on for half an hour before washing off with warm water. Once every fifteen days should be enough for it to show effect.

- Rosemary
Rosemary is very active in protecting people against pre mature baldness. It enriches hair quality and stimulates new growth. Use about a dozen Rosemary leaves, crush it into a paste and add an egg yolk. Follow it with 2 tbsp. each of lime juice and olive oil. Massage it properly so that it reaches your hair follicles and let it be for an hour. Then wash it off with lukewarm water. 

12 SUPERFOODS for pregnancy!

If you're expecting a visit from the stork, make sure to stock up on these foods.In the following pages, we bring you the best dietary options for both mother-to-be and baby.

Leafy greens
Broccoli, spinach and other leafy greens are necessary for pregnant and lactating women, as they provide vitamins and minerals that are vital to both mother and baby's immune system.

Beans are rich in fibre, calcium, protein, niacin and thiamine, all of which are important to pregnant women and a growing foetus.

Nuts and seeds are rich in minerals, protein, fibre and sometimes omega 3 fatty acids, which support a healthy development of the brain and nervous system of babies.

It is an excellent source of calcium, phosphorus and Vitamin D -- bone-building nutrients for both mother and the child. Milk also packs proteins and vitamins A and B.

Fatty fish like salmon, tuna and halibut are rich in omega 3 fatty acids, which aid in the development of the brain and eyes of the baby.

Berries are packed with complex carbohydrates, Vitamin C, folate, potassium, fibre and fluid, all beneficial and essential for a growing baby. 

A handy snack giving a natural energy boost, apricots are full of iron and are a good source of folate, calcium and magnesium. They are also rich in fibre.

Watermelon delivers delicious benefits to pregnant women -- it eases heartburn, reduces swelling and its high water content and fruit sugars alleviate morning sickness

Wholegrains (brown rice, pasta, bread, oats) are rich in fibre, providing sustained energy and helping stabilise blood sugar levels. Wholegrain foods are also full of iron, zinc and B vitamins

Eggs supply high-quality protein that is required by your growing baby to thrive. They also contain Vitamin B12, needed for building red blood cells and a healthy nervous system.

Lean chicken cuts offer moms a good, low-fat source of much-needed protein. Proteins are building blocks for your baby

Soy products are a natural source of protein and iron and they're very versatile in cooking. Soy beans are great meat substitutes for vegetarians.

5 Foods for Healthy Hair

While external care (shampoo, conditioner, keeping the scalp clean etc.) is a must for keeping the hair healthy, a balanced diet containing hair-friendly nutrients is also of paramount importance. Minerals like iron, calcium, potassium, selenium, magnesium etc. play a vital role in keeping the hair and scalp healthy. Protein is also crucial for ensuring good healthy hair growth.Protein deficiencies or low-quality protein can produce weak and brittle hair, and can eventually result in hair fall.

Whole Grains - It is widely known that whole grains have more nutrients per unit than their refined counterparts. Add to this the large quantities of fibre they have which makes them really good for our digestive system. They can be easily digested, contain a lot of antioxidants and help keep chronic diseases like cancer, diabetes, obesity and constipation at bay. All these qualities also make them ‘super-foods’ for healthy hair.

Vitamin C Foods - Vitamin C is brimming with collagen, a protein which helps in maintaining hair follicles, blood vessels and scalp. Fruits like oranges, lemons, pineapple, strawberries, guava etc are great sources of vitamin C. Green leafy vegetables also contain vitamin C and iron which is another great nutrient for healthy hair.

Brown Rice - It is a good source of protein and it gives your hair the shine you’ve always wanted. Apart from this, it makes you feel full for longer durations and helps suppress your hunger pangs. Brown rice is also rich in vitamins and fiber.

Dal - Legumes are widely accepted as rich sources of protein. An ½ cup serving of dal can easily offer about 6 gm of protein. Besides, dals are rich in minerals like potassium and magnesium. However, you should not solely depend on dal for your daily protein intake.

Calcium-rich Foods - Calcium is also a key nutrient for maintaining hair health. Now a lot of calcium is used up by daily wear and tear and one needs to consume adequate calcium-rich foods to replenish lost calcium. Dairy products are excellent sources of calcium. So are grains. Calcium also makes your hair shine and not to forget that it also gives you healthy, stronger bones.

Foods for a healthy smile!

Always wanted that shiny movie-star smile? Help is at hand! Include these fabulous teeth-friendly food in your diet and watch the magic unfold!
Fibre-rich fruits and veggies like celery, apples and carrots massage the gums, and improve circulation. It also stimulates saliva which contains antimicrobials that fight bacteria in your mouth. Fruits like oranges and grapefruit are also great for the mouth as they contain vitamin C which keeps the gums healthy.

Nothing works as wonderfully as plain, sugar-free yogurt to clean out those germs between your teeth. The buildup of germs or bacteria between your teeth can cause bad breath, plaque and gum disease, and the good bacteria in yogurt helps battle the bad ones. A recent study revealed that eating yogurt four or more times a week will also keep off the cavities.

Green tea contains a substance called catechin that wipes out the bacteria that cause bad breath and create plaque.

Cheese is a great source of calcium and vitamin D, and also helps preserve and rebuild tooth enamel. It also balances the mouth’s pH to prevent growth of cavity-causing bacteria. So grab a piece of cheese after that meal!

Kiwis contain more vitamin C than any other fruit. A lack of vitamin C can break down the collagen network in your gums, making them tender and susceptible to periodontal disease. A slice of kiwi a day can add that extra zing to your smile.

Onions, especially eaten fresh and raw like in a salad, contain powerful antibacterial compounds that kill various types of bacteria. However, remember to pop in some mint after!

Lemon juice is great for whitening teeth, as is orange peel. Rubbing the inside of an orange peel with crushed bay leaves on to your teeth will whiten them to make for a glossy smile. Although be warned, too much lemon juice on your teeth can cause sensitivity.

Parsley or mint leaves help keep your breath fresh and sweet. They contain monoterpenes that travel from bloodstream to lungs and are released with your breath. Always great to keep at hand!

Sesame seeds are a great cleaning agent that help work off plaque and build tooth enamel. They are also high in calcium and help preserve the bone around the gums.

The omega-3 fatty acids in fish help fight gum disease. Another reason to include fish in your diet.

Shitake mushrooms contain a sugar called lentinan that prevent mouth bacteria from creating plaque. Make sure to throw in 4-5 mushrooms in your soup or salad!

Strawberry is a natural tooth-whitener; try mashing up some strawberries and rubbing them on your teeth for a few weeks. Before long, you’ll have a set of enviable pearly whites!

Wasabi, known for its spicy zing, also protects your teeth. It contains isothiocyanates (the source of that spicy flavor) that inhibit the growth of cavity-causing bacteria.

Drinking water stimulates saliva and ensures that your gums are hydrated. It is the best defense against plaque and cavities. So if you miss out on brushing your teeth after a meal, make sure to drink a glass of water.