Top 10 Most Effective Diets

Do not waste time just maintain your health. Because the time never comes again. The time you have is a best for you and your health. People in this fast life do not give too much time for their health. Once any problem in the body occurs due to non care of health. It can be harm for you through out your life. You have hear about the sentence “Health is Wealth” that is reality of our life. If we have not good health then we can not enjoy our life fully. For long and healthy life, you should have to take a good care of your health. In old era the life of human was so long. The diet and take care of health was the main reason of it.  Improperly diet taking  can cause obesity, high blood pressure and number of complications in your body. Some times death can also bi occur. We are here providing the Top 10 Most Effective Diets list. By trying this you can improve your health.
10. Food combining

In proper digestion the food combination has a important role. This can cause faster digestion. Digestion is important factor in distribution of the food through out the body. The large particles are digested in the body and converted into smaller ones and into energy which is distributed through out the body instead of formation of conversion of it into fats.So take your food which is rich in carbohydrates ,separate from protein rich foods.

9. zone Diet

The aim of zone diet is the reduction of cellular inflammation that makes us gain weight. Zone diet focus on consuming calories from carbohydrates, protein and fat in a balanced diet. This also provides the eating tips, facts and advice on weight loss.

8. Dietary Approaches to stop hypertension

This diet is rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and low fatty dairy foods. The arm of this is to cut of foods that consists of high level of fats. These fats store in the body and can cause the blockage in regular flow of blood in the body. This plan advice the highly intake of fruits , potassium, vegetables, low fat dairy products and poorly intake of meat. It also included the lower intake of sugary foods. The high sugar in the body is harmful. By using the method you can improve your health.

7. Meal Replacement

The people who wants to reduce their weight the meal replacement is the best diet plan. It can help you to loss your weight so quickly. Take the replacement diet which has the similar healthier effect but low in calories.  You can serve shakes of fruits and medically prescribed  meal replacement drinks. This contains the required vitamins and minerals.  The intake of evening food is excluded by the people but it is highly recommended you that you should take lesser amount of food in evening.

6. Detox Diet

This dietary plan is consists of such type of food which cause the detoxification in the body. In these days we are not taking a pure and healthy food. The food taken by us are full of unhealthy additives and other alcoholic drinks, and other preservatives that collectively having not good effect on the body. By using detox diet you can clean your internal system to flushing out all of toxins. It is a safe technique. Detox Diet include intake of sufficient amount of juices, herbal teas, vegetables and huge amount of water. You can gain a sudden weight loss with in a days.

5. Always drink water before meal

Water takes important part in our health. If you want a better digestion and healthy stomach then always drink water before you take your meal. It will be more effective and will enhance your digestion. It is hardly recommended you that do not drink water after meal. By using this plan you will see your stomach and digestion better.

4. Low Fat Diet

It is a type of diet that contains little fat, especially saturated fat and cholesterol. These can cause heart attack.  In recent year the exact health benefits of a low fat diet have been debated. You will have to decrease the intake of food which has high level of fats, such as butter, oil. junk foods, chips, chocolates, sweets, red meats and cheeses. Intake of high level of salt is also harmful for your health. This diet plan result will be show in a few days.

3. The Anabolic Diet

The Anabolic Diet is a low carbohydrates diet that alternates with periods of high carbohydrates eating.  It is recommended the restriction of carbohydrates consumption during weekdays and eating high amount of carbohydrates on weekends. In this plan you will consume a high fat, high protein and low-carbohydrates diet during the week. On Saturdays and Sundays eat a high carbohydrates ,low protein diet an moderate carbohydrates. If you want a healthy body then use this technique.

2. Drink Large Amount Of Water In The Morning

The advice providing to you for your better skin and health is drinking large amount of water early in the morning. When you wake up in the morning . Do not do any thing just get large amount of water and drink it. Drink water as much as possible . Make it your habit daily and you will see a good results from this practice.  It is a good detoxification technique.

1. Must Eat Breakfast

If you want to live a strong and healthy even in your old age, you should eat your breakfast daily. Do not skip your breakfast in any condition. The breakfast is a important meal in a day. The energy is required for whole day. If you will skip your breakfast your stomach will be disturbed. People who are regular in eating their breakfast are more healthier in the old age than the people who skip this diet in early span of their life.

Your Guide to Baby Colds

The average cold can last up to 10 days -- that's a long time of not feeling well for a baby! Here's how to survive and make the little one feel better, too.

Keep Them Hydrated

No matter your baby's age, it's essential to keep him well-hydrated when battling a cold. "A baby will usually want to nurse or take a bottle more frequently when sick because he needs that comfort," says Dr. William Sears, Associate Clinical Professor of Pediatrics at the University of California, Irvine, School of Medicine. For babies less than 4 months old, stick to just breast milk or formula. At 4 months, your baby can also have a little water, and at 6 months, he can start drinking watered-down juices.

Treat a Fever

Acetaminophen may be used to treat a fever if your baby is 4 months old or older, says Rhya Strifling, M.D., a mom and pediatrician at the University of Kentucky College of Medicine. Just be sure to consult your pharmacist or pediatrician about the correct dosage and make sure you are using the dosing for infant drops and not child drops. And if your baby is 3 months old or younger and has a fever, you should contact your pediatrician immediately.

Use a "Nose Hose"
Even adults have a hard time sleeping with a stuffy nose -- now imagine you're a baby who can't even blow your nose for relief! Dr. Sears recommends using a nasal aspirator and saline nasal spray before your baby eats and goes to sleep to clear the nose and to loosen the drainage in the back of the throat. "Babies under 1 typically don't breathe through their mouths very well, so when the nose is clogged, it is truly uncomfortable for them," Dr. Sears.

Run a Humidifier

A cool mist humidifier in your baby's room during nap time and at night can help with the cough by moistening the dry winter air, says Dr. Strifling. Adding a one or two drops of menthol, eucalyptus, or pine oil to a vaporizer might also help your baby feel less congested (you can get these oils at any health-food store). Also, be sure not to have the heat turned up too high, which can worsen Baby's congestion. Instead, keep your home at a comfortable 72-74 degrees in the winter months.

Create a Steam Room

You can help ease your child's congestion by running the hot water in the shower and sitting in the bathroom for about 15 minutes while the steam fills the room, says Dr. Sears. The heat from the steam loosens up the mucus in Baby's nose and chest and relieves the stuffiness.

Skip OTC Treatments

Most over-the-counter cough and cold medicines (aside from acetaminophen and ibuprofen) are not recommended for children under the age of 6 according to the AAP. "Usually antibiotics are not needed, unless the congestion develops into an ear infection or pneumonia," says Dr. Strifling. "If your baby has fever for more than three or four days, or you feel like his symptoms are getting worse rather than better, than it might be time to visit your pediatrician."Elevate the Head
Sleeping at a slight incline might help relieve your baby's postnasal drip. You can do this by placing a couple of towels between the head of the mattress. Never use pillows to prop up your baby since they're suffocation hazards, and don't prop up the whole crib or bassinet since it can tip over. If elevating the mattress makes you nervous, you can always let the baby sleep in his car seat in a semi-upright position

Elevate the Head

Sleeping at a slight incline might help relieve your baby's postnasal drip. You can do this by placing a couple of towels between the head of the mattress. Never use pillows to prop up your baby since they're suffocation hazards, and don't prop up the whole crib or bassinet since it can tip over. If elevating the mattress makes you nervous, you can always let the baby sleep in his car seat in a semi-upright position.

Wash Your Hands

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 80 percent of all infectious diseases are transmitted through the hands. "It's crucial that anyone handling the baby keeps their hands clean," Dr. Sears says. "And also remember to clean children's hands with baby wipes -- especially once they start putting everything in their mouths." Also be sure your baby's hands are completely dry to ensure the alcohol from the wipe is not ingested.

Recognizing the Symptoms

If your baby had a clear, runny discharge from his nose that becomes thick and discolored, accompanied by a fever, and if he's doing a lot of crying and pulling and/or hitting his ears, contact your doctor, says Dr. Bud Zukow, co-author of Baby: An Owner's Manual. "You may be looking at your baby's first middle-ear infection," he says. "Always take into consideration how the whole child looks in addition to identifying his symptoms."

10 Foods for Fabulous Abs

1. Yogurt is magic for the tum. Nutritionist Rania Batayneh recommends yogurt, “The probiotic bacteria in most yogurts help keep your digestive system healthy, which translates into a lower incidence of gas, bloating, and constipation, which can keep your tummy looking flat." Ideally go for the plain-flavoured yogurts, that don’t contain added sugars. 

2. Switch to whole grain. The body shows a decreased insulin response to whole grain as compared to refined carbohydrate like rice and white bread. So replace those meals of white rice and milk bread with whole grains like lentils, brown rice, and whole wheat bread for a trimmer waistline.

3. Stock up on cruciferous veggies like broccoli, brussels sprouts, asparagus, peppers, and yellow beans. They contain folate, beta-carotene, calcium, magnesium, and fiber, and are rich in vitamins A, C, and K.

4. Olive Oil: Mono-unsaturated fats like those found in olive oil, work to reduce belly fat and don’t increase calorie intake. 

5. Apple cider vinegar: New research indicates that 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar (ideally mixed with a glass of water), consumed daily over a period of 12 weeks, works to lower body weight and reduce belly fat. This is attributed to vinegar's acetic acid, which is believed to pump out proteins that break down fat.

6. Green tea contains certain chemicals called polyphenols and catechins that boost metabolism and help burn fat. Including 2-3 cups of green tea in your diet will help reduce that waistline, as well as provide a host of other health benefits. 

7. Apples are one of the most popular negative calorie foods. This means that an apple burns more calories that it adds to the body, while being digested, making for a great, tasty snack that does nothing to add to body fat.

8. Eggs are a great source of protein and contain essential amino acids that the body needs to build everything from muscle fibres to brain chemicals. It is the perfect breakfast food, and ensures you feel less hungry during the day and reduces that urge to snack.

9. Almonds provide the body with minerals like magnesium, and regulate blood sugar levels. A stable blood sugar level is key to prevent cravings that can lead to overeating.

10. Salmon, tuna and mackerel, in addition to being a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, also improve metabolism and help burn fat faster by improving the body’s glucose-insulin response.

The Best Natural Remedies for Kids

We've uncovered the natural remedies for kids that really work -- and the ones you should never try.

For lots of moms and dads today, non-pharmaceutical approaches to illness are more appealing than ever. In a 2009 survey of 6,000 parents conducted by Opinion Research Corporation, 40 percent of them said that they were interested in natural remedies for their kids, compared with 23 percent in a similar 2008 survey. "Parents want treatments that are gentle and natural, yet still effective," says pediatrician Hilary McClafferty, M.D., adjunct clinical assistant professor of medicine at the University of North Carolina, in Chapel Hill.
Of course, you should always call your pediatrician if your child has a health problem that may require traditional medical care. But which are the best science-backed and expert-recommended natural remedies? We've done the research for you.

The Problem: Colic
The Natural Solution: Chamomile

How It Works "Chamomile relaxes intestinal spasms and promotes a calm mental state," says Kathi Kemper, M.D., author of The Holistic Pediatrician. In fact, some research suggests that the active chemicals in chamomile have the same effect on the brain as a mild sedative, but without the side effects. Steep tea for five minutes, cool it to room temperature, and then put 1 to 2 ounces in a bottle.
The Proof The plant is a centuries-old folk remedy for colic, and recent research backs up its effectiveness. In one Italian study of breastfed colicky babies, crying time was reduced in 85 percent of babies given a chamomile herbal tea.
Keep in Mind Very rarely, a baby 6 months or older may be sensitive to ragweed (a plant similar to chamomile) and might develop a rash after drinking chamomile tea. If you notice a rash, stop giving your baby the chamomile tea.

The Problem: High Blood Sugar
The Natural Solution: Cinnamon

How It Works Cinnamon may have an active compound that works directly on cells to allow sugar to get inside and therefore lower blood sugar, says Shane Ellison, an organic chemist and author of Over-the-Counter Natural Cures. But because research in this area is fairly new, scientists are still studying exactly how cinnamon works to lower blood sugar.
The Proof Research on adults shows that cinnamon can help reduce blood sugar when added to foods or drinks. In one study of people with type 2 diabetes, blood-sugar levels were significantly reduced when they consumed about half a teaspoon to 2-1/2 teaspoons of ground cinnamon per day.
Keep in Mind Extra cinnamon in your child's diet should complement -- not replace -- lifestyle changes. One idea: Add it and reduce the sugar in recipes, and sprinkle it on cereal.

The Problem: Reflux
 The Natural Solution: Chewing Gum

How It Works "Chewing gum stimulates the flow of saliva, which neutralizes stomach acid and makes kids swallow more often," says Leo Heitlinger, M.D., chair of the American Academy of Pediatrics Section on Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition. This can help move food down the digestive tract, reducing the risk of reflux. While the condition is much more common in babies, it's estimated that many kids suffer from occasional heartburn. (Kids who are overweight have a higher risk of developing reflux than other children do.)
The Proof A British study found that chewing sugarless gum after a meal can reduce acid in the esophagus and reduce reflux. Gum is safe for children ages 4 and older.
Keep in Mind Chewing sugarless gum is good for the teeth; increased saliva flow helps wash away food particles and reduce plaque-producing acids.

The Problem: Sunburn
The Natural Solution: Aloe Vera

How It Works The compounds in aloe vera speed healing by bringing fresh, oxygenated blood to the tiny blood vessels that feed the skin, explains Duffy MacKay, a licensed naturopath and vice president of scientific and regulatory affairs for the Council for Responsible Nutrition, in Washington, D.C. This helps your child's body repair the sunburned skin more quickly. Aloe vera also acts as a moisturizer, and skin wounds of all kinds (including burns) need moisture to heal.
The Proof In a study published in Burns, aloe vera reduced healing time for first- and second-degree burns by almost nine days.
Keep in Mind The highest concentration is found in aloe-vera gel, sold in most drugstores. (Moisturizers with aloe vera contain much less.) You can also keep a plant in your home and break off a leaf, split it lengthwise, and squeeze out the gel.

The Problem: Upset Stomach
The Natural Solution: Ginger

How It Works "Ginger has an antispasmodic property that helps settle down the muscle contractions in the tummy that produce nausea," explains Dr. McClafferty. "It's a very good remedy for many sources of nausea and upset stomach."
The Proof In one study of adults with a history of motion sickness, those who took a 1,000mg capsule of ginger before experiencing conditions that mimic those of a moving car suffered significantly less nausea than normal. Although this was a study of adults, the results may likely also apply to kids, says Dr. McClafferty.
Keep in Mind Ginger ale only has a little bit of real ginger, so have your child sip ginger tea about 30 minutes before getting into the car: Add a teaspoon of shredded fresh ginger to 4 ounces of boiling water and let it steep for five minutes. Serve it to your child warm or iced, and sweeten it with honey.

The Problem: Nasal Allergies
The Natural Solution: Apples

How It Works Quercetin, a flavonoid found in apples, inhibits the body's release of histamines, allergic compounds that trigger increased mucus production, sneezing, and watery eyes. "Adding foods that contain quercetin to your child's diet may mean slightly less severe symptoms or symptoms that don't last as long," says Michael J. Welch, M.D., clinical professor at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine.
The Proof In a study published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, quercetin (in supplement form) was more effective than a prescription antihistamine.
Keep in Mind Although quercetin is available as a supplement, most doctors recommend that kids stick with foods that have it (such as blueberries, raspberries, and onions), because they are loaded with many antioxidants and nutrients not found in supplements.

The Problem: Coughs
The Natural Solution: Honey

How It Works "Honey soothes irritated membranes by coating the throat, making swallowing less painful," says Dr. Kemper, director of the Center for Integrative Medicine at Wake Forest University Medical Center, in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Honey also contains illness-fighting antioxidants and antimicrobials.
The Proof In a Penn State University study of more than 100 children ages 2 and older, a spoonful of honey given 30 minutes before bedtime calmed coughs better than over-the-counter cough syrup or no treatment at all. Parents also rated honey higher than cough syrups for lessening cough frequency and severity, as well as helping their little ones fall asleep.
Keep in Mind Honey shouldn't be given to babies younger than 1 because their immature immune system can't battle the bacteria found in some kinds.

The Problem: Diarrhea
The Natural Solution: Probiotics

How It Works Probiotics are healthy bacteria in yogurt, buttermilk, some soy foods and beverages, and supplements. They help stop antibiotic-associated diarrhea by replacing good bacteria that are killed by the drugs. "For infectious diarrhea, it's believed that the good bacteria in probiotics may crowd out the bad bacteria that live in the digestive system or kill off the bad bugs that cause an infection," says MacKay.
The Proof In a review of studies published in the Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology, probiotics were found to be beneficial for antibiotic-associated diarrhea as well as infectious diarrhea in kids.
Keep in Mind The probiotic species Lactobacillus reuteri, or L. reuteri, seems to be the most effective bacteria for diarrhea. "It's also one of the best researched of all the probiotics," says Dr. McClafferty. Look for it on yogurt labels.

The Worst Natural Remedies for Kids

BITTER MELON for preventing or treating type 2 diabetes: This plant may be toxic in children.
VALERIAN for sleep and anxiety problems: The herbal sedative is too strong for most children.
LICORICE for coughs and sore throats: Too much of this herb can cause heart irregularities

PEPPERMINT for nausea: If a child has reflux, peppermint oil in capsule or liquid form could make it worse

SENNA for constipation: This herb can cause diarrhea, dehydration, and heart problems in children.
KAVA for hyperactivity and sleep problems: It can cause liver failure.

Originally published in the January 2011 issue of Parents magazine.
All content on this Web site, including medical opinion and any other health-related information, is for informational purposes only and should not be considered to be a specific diagnosis or treatment plan for any individual situation. Use of this site and the information contained herein does not create a doctor-patient relationship. Always seek the direct advice of your own doctor in connection with any questions or issues you may have regarding your own health or the health of others.

RiRi 'not happy' to be a size zero

While many stars get on a crash diet to be size zero, here's one star who is not happy about it.

Rihanna has revealed that she is not happy about being a size zero and the effect her jam-packed schedule is having on her body.

Recently, the 24-year-old pop diva made the leap from the recording studio to the big screen with her star turn in 'Battleship'.

"I want to do two more [movies] before touring again next year," The Us magazine quoted the singer as saying. "My schedule is crazy!" she said.

In fact so jam packed is her schedule, that the Barbados-born Rihanna was hospitalized for tiredness following her appearance at the Met Ball last month, where she looked stunning in a black, reptile-inspired Tom Ford gown.

 "I got no sleep [beforehand]," Rihanna said. "It's harsh on your body!" Her hospitalization - and her shrinking body - have some fans fretting that she's dealing with something more serious, though Rihanna assured that her nonstop schedule is the only thing to blame.

"I'm a size 0 -- and not happy about it!" she said. "I went way too far. I prefer myself a bit chunkier. I want my old butt back!" she added. The "Where Have You Been" singer is at work on her seventh CD. (ANI)

Take Tea to Avoid Heart Problems, Diabetes

Take Tea to Avoid Heart Problems, Diabetes

London: While many of us may remain undecided about how much is too much for us to take tea in a day, researchers have claimed drinking three cups of tea a day could help us keep the heart attacks and type 2 diabetes at bay.

A review shows regular drinking of tea, with or without milk, can reduce the risk of heart problems by cutting levels of bad cholesterol and blood sugar, Daily Mail reported.

As per experts, the benefits of tea are largely due to the flavonoid content - antioxidant ingredients that counteract cardiovascular disease.

One cup of tea provides 150-200mg of flavonoids and it is the best source of antioxidants in the diet.

Drinking three or more cups of black tea a day protects against heart disease and two or more cups a day may protect against type 2 diabetes, a review in the journal Nutrition Bulletin found.

Nutritionist Carrie Ruxton, co-author of the latest review and a member of the industry-backed Tea Advisory Panel (TAP), said: "There is far more to the nation's favourite drink than we realise.

"With its antioxidant flavonoids, black tea packs a powerful punch with many health benefits particularly for the heart. And recent studies show that the flavonoids work their magic whether or not we choose to add milk."

In addition, a 12-week study of 87 volunteers showed how drinking three cups of tea a day produced a significant improvement in various cardiovascular risk factors.

Flavonoids found in tea are thought to control inflammation, reduce excess blood clotting, promote blood vessel function and limit furring up of the arteries.

Cut sugar, cut calories: All about the Sugar Busters Diet

Fight the battle of the bulge by cracking down on your sugar intake -- here's how.

We all love adding sweetness to our lives. When we are happy, we want to treat ourselves to sweets. When we are sad, they help boost our mood. When we show thanks, we treat others to sweets. Whenever guests visit, we don't leave them before they do the traditional mooh meetha. When we ace an exam, we celebrate with sweets; when we fail, others bring us sweets to cheer us up.

So, is there anything to worry about with so much sweetness in our lives?

Yes, there is. Too much sweetness can bring bitterness in the form of diabetes. This explains why we see the emergence of various concepts which claim to battle your sugar cravings.

And this explains why we get to come across popular concepts like the Sugar Busters Diet, designed by Samuel S Andrews MD (endocrinologist), Morrison C Bethea MD (cardiac surgeon), Luis A Balart, MD (gastroenterologist) and H Leighton Steward (a corporate CEO).

In the following pages, we bring you a complete breakdown of the Sugar Busters Diet.

It tells you how, what and when to eat and exercise.
It encourages you to avoid refined sugar and processed grain products.
It encourages you to make a commitment to choosing the right carbohydrates -- low insulin-producing carbohydrates. Insulin causes you to convert and store excess sugar as fat and also to store the excess fat as fat.
It involves eating high-fibre vegetables, fruit and whole grains. The fibre in both these food products has a beneficial effect on your digestive process and overall health. Meats are an important source of protein, but should be lean and trimmed.
It encourages the intake of low-fat products when it comes to milk and cheese, while strongly advocating careful attention to saturated fats. Too many saturated fats and trans fats and oils used in fast food preparation are very harmful, not only to your waistline, but also to your heart and blood vessels.
Hydration is important and everyone is encouraged to drink six to eight glasses of water daily.
It is important to eat three regular meals daily and appropriate snacks are allowed. But moderation in portion size is most important. If you are not careful enough, you may end up eating too many health foods too.
Late-night snacking is not allowed. Eating at night before going to bed only raises your insulin levels and encourages cholesterol production, since most of the cholesterol is manufactured while you are sleeping.
Exercise is an important part of any successful nutritional lifestyle. You should strive to exercise at least twenty minutes daily four days a week, so as to raise your resting heart rate.
It encourages the voice of moderation.
If you choose alcohol, you should drink red wine.
Fruits are preferred over fruit juice and best eaten a half hour before the meal.

All refined sugar products and sugar itself
White rice
Bread made from refined flour
Refined sugar
Corn syrup
Sugared colas
Baked beans
Ripe bananas
Fried chicken

Image: You have to avoid all refined sugar products and sugar itself

Lean meats, fish, poultry, dairy products, whole grains and cereals.
Vegetables like beans, lentils, peas, spinach, lettuce, squash, zucchini, mushrooms, asparagus, artichokes, cabbage, celery, cucumbers, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, eggplant and onions.
Fruits like apples, lemons and limes, pears, cherries, raspberries, kiwis, grapefruit, apricots, melons other than watermelon, tomatoes, tangerines and oranges.

In the short term, the Sugar Busters plan is likely to result in weightloss because it eliminates many foods, including baked goods and other sweets. And your food choices will be better, such as substituting whole grains for white bread, for instance.
You may become irritable and tired due to the restriction of carbs. You may also feel low on energy. This may not be the case with everyone, but it may trigger lethargy.
Sugar Busters stresses eating healthy foods, such as whole grains, legumes and beans and lean meats. And cutting out refined sugars in processed foods is a plus point.
Counting calories or measuring food is not a part of the Sugar Buster Diet, but it may become confusing for a layman without any portion sizes mentioned.
The authors themselves caution that the diet is not for exercise fanatics.
High-protein diets increase calcium excretion and possible side-effects include kidney and liver damage, fatigue, weakness and irritability.
It's good to stay sweet while imparting sweetness to other people's lives, but it's not sweet to go overboard with it. In fact, we don't know what brings sweetness to every individual -- what may work fine for one may not go down well with others. The Sugar Busters Diet may truly restrict unnecessary or extra fat, sugar or refined carb intake for some, while many others may just fail and surrender to the call of their taste buds.